Brindley provided a wide range of services to support the development of an 82 lodge luxury holiday development at Cameron, East Fife. The development is now under construction, with planning applications submitted for two additional phases.
The site was adjacent to sensitive ecological designations with substantial ornithological interest. We have worked closely with the local authority and design team to deliver a landscape lead development incorporating meaningful ecological and landscape mitigation within a commercially viable development.
Our scope of provided environmental services includes:
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA);
- Development masterplanning;
- Development layout design;
- Visitor and access strategy;
- Consultation boards, community and consultee engagement;
- Purification of planning conditions;
- Photorealistic visualisations of the development proposals from representative viewpoints;
- GIS mapping and analysis; and
- Design & Access Statement.
Our scope of provided ecological services includes:
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA);
- National and European Protected Species (EPS) surveys;
- Coordination of ornithological impact assessment;
- Coordination of Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA);
- Liaison with statutory consultees and design team members; and
- Ongoing ecological monitoring.