Brindley’s LVIA team provides a full and comprehensive landscape assessment service including landscape appraisals, townscape appraisals and GLVIA3 compliant landscape and visual impact assessments.
Our team includes Landscape Institute accredited Chartered Landscape Architects and specialist visualisation technicians who work together to deliver robust, defensible, guidance compliant and practical assessments and advice relevant to each projects requirements. We supply tailor-made solutions regardless of your projects size or complexity.
Each member is cross trained in a number of our required skills; all team members are computer literate, hold current driving licenses and are trained photographers experienced in the requirements of Landscape Institute, NatureScot and Highland Council guidance.
The team is supported by regular training including Health & Safety, safe working in remote locations, and continuing professional development training to further develop other technical and design competencies.
As part of an integrated consultancy, we are able to provide efficient and cost effective solutions, assisted by the extensive knowledge and strength of support of our internal Landscape Design, Ecology, and GIS & Visualisation departments.
Our assessment services include:
Landscape Assessment
- Site Appraisals
- Consultee and Stakeholder Consultation
- Screening and Scoping Reports
- Feasibility Studies
- Landscape Capacity Studies
- Site Design and Layout Iteration
- Constraints Mapping
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA)
- Townscape and Visual Impact Assessments (TVIA)
- Cumulative Impact Assessment (CLVIA)
- Residential Amenity Assessment (RAA)
Further EIA Services
- EIA Co-ordination
- Design & Access Statements
- Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
- Independent Audit and Review of Landscape and Ecological work on Behalf of Third Parties
- Public Inquiry and Local Meetings
- Rebuttals and Post Application Negotiation
Graphics and Visualisations
- Defensible Graphics
- 3D Modelling
- Visualisations and Verified Photomontages
- Graphic Design for Presentation Documents
Planning Policy, Guidance, Legislation and Regulation Advice
- National, Regional and Local Planning Policy Compliance and Advice
- Best Practice Guidance Compliance and Advice
- EU and UK Legislation Compliance and Advice
- Assessments for projects likely to affect designated landscapes, cultural heritage designations or ecological designations