Brindley’s team provides a comprehensive strategic promotion, landscape masterplanning and landscape design service to a wide range of local, regional, and national house builders.
Our team of Landscape Architects, supported by in-house landscape technicians and ecologists, will deliver robust and practical hard and soft landscapes relevant to your project’s requirements and informed by the unique physical and commercial constraints and opportunities of each development site.
We provide solutions relevant to both the pre- and post-planning application stages of a project, including initial scoping work and mitigation allowing the discharge of planning conditions. Post planning, we deliver detailed design information, contract administration and Clerk of works / ECoW services.
Our comprehensive services to the residential development sector include:
- Feasibility studies and concept design
- Landscape sketch design and cost estimates
- Client and consultee liaison
- Landscape design iteration
- Hard and soft landscape design
- Landscape specification
- Landscape maintenance and management plans
- Landscape mitigation proposals and strategies
- Detailed design for tender and construction
- Landscape project management
- Contract administration including inspection of works and snagging reports
- Environmental impact assessment co-ordination
- Screening, scoping, and pre-application engagement with consultees
- Landscape and visual impact assessments
- Evidence based spatial & development frameworks
- Multi-disciplinary design iteration and mitigation
- Masterplan documents
- Design & access statements
- Visibility mapping
- Site photography
- Landscape Institute compliant verified photomontages
- 3d modelling of structures and development proposals
- CGI visualisations for all scales of development
- Ecological impact assessments
- Habitat and protected species surveys
- Phase 1 and extended phase 1 habitat surveys
- Species monitoring and licencing
- Tree condition surveys & arboricultural impact assessments